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Syriza Members Warn Alexis Tsipras Against Betrayal With Greek Bailout Compromise Many on left wing of premier’s party say they can’t accept further pension and wage cuts

ATHENS—To avert a default and possible exit from the eurozone, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras must sell Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, on his plan to fix Greece’s finances.

Then he needs to persuade Vassilis Chatzilamprou.
But the lawmaker from Mr. Tsipras’s left-wing Syriza party said he was in no mood for submission.

“We cannot accept strict, recessionary measures,” Mr. Chatzilamprou said at the Resistance Festival, an annual gathering of Greece’s far left. It was after midnight Sunday, and the weekend festival was winding down. “People have now reached their limits.”

Syriza isn’t a traditional party but a coalition of left-wing groups with an intricate family tree formed out of doctrinal splinters and squabbles. It is those many, disparate factions that Mr. Tsipras must also satisfy with any potential bailout agreement with Greece’s creditors.

Mr. Chatzilamprou, for instance, is a member of the Communist Organization of Greece, which is an outgrowth of the Organization of Marxist-Leninists of Greece. It is distinct from the Communist Tendency, which has a Trotskyite bent. (Neither should be confused with the Communist Party of Greece, which is outside Syrzia.)

That unusual composition has made it especially hard for Mr. Tspiras to strike a deal with eurozone and International Monetary Fund officials. “The people who are responsible for the negotiation move within a frame that is determined by the central committee of the party,” says Alekos Kalyvis, a longtime union official who is on the committee and responsible for its economic-policy portfolio.

The negotiators have some latitude to make decisions, he said, “but this shouldn’t be interpreted as if they have a blank check from the party—neither them nor Tspiras.”

Many of Syriza’s factions regard the party’s rise as an epochal moment for the left—and any compromise on a bailout as a deep betrayal of its principles.

Stathis Leoutsakos, another Syriza member of Parliament, said Germany and the other creditor countries are determined to defeat Syriza. “In my opinion, their aim is to humiliate the Greek government,” he says. “They want the message that no other politics are accepted in the eurozone.”

Mr. Leoutsakos, a onetime union metalworker long active in left-wing politics, comes from the same faction as Mr. Tspiras but is also associated with the Left Platform, a Syriza group that has embraced a return to the drachma.

“ ‘Rupture’ is not such a synonym of ‘catastrophe’ as it has been presented,” Mr. Leoutsakos said.

It is also uncertain exactly what kind of deal would be acceptable to the left wing of Syriza. The party’s argument that fiscal austerity—steep budget cuts and tax increases—has deepened Greece’s economic slump has been central to its popular success. Most on the party’s left wing reject any additional pension and wage cuts outright, saying Greek workers have suffered enough in years of depression since Greece’s first bailout.

Mr. Leoutsakos, like others on the far left, also insist that at least some of Greece’s debt must be forgiven. “In order to service it, we’d need to execute the Greek people,” he said. “And nobody in Syriza is willing to do it.”

There is also the question of Mr. Tsipras’s future as prime minister if he does compromise. No one here is unaware of the fates of former Greek premiers George Papandreou and Antonis Samaras. Both signed bailout agreements with Europe. Both lost their jobs, and Mr. Papandreou’s party has been all but destroyed.

Going back on his leftist principles “would be political suicide for Tsipras,” Mr. Chatzilamprou said. “It would mean he is also recyclable: They could replace him with someone else.”

At the Resistance Festival, the panoply of the Greek left is on display. One stall sells leftist-themed comestibles, such as bottles of Red Kitchen beer and jars of Red Kitchen marmalade. There was someone recruiting for a flotilla to the Gaza Strip. Another group was organizing a boycott of Coca-Cola.

“If the compromise betrays the people that supported the movement, it would be very frustrating,” said Iraj Nobahkt, manning a stall that sells cleaning products made by workers who took over a factory after its owner shut it down.

Periklis Koumpouris, a self-employed heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technician, said he was reluctantly resigned to another painful bailout for Greece. If there is one, it will come at a political cost, he says. “It probably means that Syriza will disappear over the long term.”

—Apostolis Fotiadis contributed to this article.

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