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Subject:        Report on the Chicago Conference and LeftElect Network Update:
June 22, 2015
Date:   Mon, 22 Jun 2015 14:14:05 -0500
From:   LeftElect Conference <leftel...@gmail.com>
To:     leftel...@gmail.com

*_Report on the Chicago Conference and LeftElect Network Update: June
22, 2015 _*

Seven weeks have passed since the May 3-4 Future of Left/ Independent
Electoral Action Conference. We value your interest and would like to
offer a report on the conference and next steps for the network.

Some 200 political activists from around the country and from a variety
of independent political organizations, as well as individual activists,
carried out a rich discussion and an amicable debate about how to
collaborate in the work of building a large political alternative to the
left of the Democratic Party. Participating in the Future of the
Left/Independent Politics Conference <http://leftelect.org/>, in an
unprecedented spirit of cooperation, national, state, and local
candidates and activists, as well as elected officials from the Green
Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Richmond Progressive Alliance,
Socialist Alternative, Progressive Dane, and the Vermont Progressive
Party discussed the challenges of campaigning and the difficulties of
actually holding office while trying to both build movements and push
progressive policies. Also at the conference were members of the
International Socialist Organization, the Justice Party, and many other
organizations. Thanks to numerous contributions and hardworking
volunteers, conference costs were kept low, and the conference brought
in more than it cost. The surplus will be seed money for the new network!

For additional reports see /New Politics/:

The North Star http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=12264

To view the conference livestream archive see

Responding to the country’s pervasive economic and social crisis many
leaders of the movements Occupy, Black Lives Matters, and Fight for $15
were in attendance. While this was a conference focused primarily on
electoral action, the organizers made it clear through panels on the
Black Lives Matter movement and the Fight for $15 that politics must be
about building and giving voice to such movements.

The conference was historic not only for its agenda but the spirit of
mutual respect, cooperation, and solidarity that the conference
engendered. The organizing committee—which includes leading members of
the Green Party as well as representatives of the the Peace and Freedom
Party, International Socialist Organization (ISO), Socialist
Alternative, Solidarity, the Black Agenda Report, and Richmond
Progressive Alliance—announced that a continuations committee would take
up the question of now to keep alive the network established by the
conference. They also recognized the need for greater diversity, for
greater involvement of African American and Latino activists, and for
simply casting a wider net and drawing in others involved in such
political campaigns.

The Future of the Left/Independent Politics Conference represented an
important step forward not only for independent politics but also for
cooperation on the left. There were many suggestions presented for the
organizations and individuals involved in this conference to keep alive
the network we have founded, while continuing our work in local
movements and independent political campaigns. The continuations
committee is meeting by email and telephone. We hope to *continue to use
the website* at leftelect.org <http://leftelect.org/>as a place to share
information on important electoral campaigns, upcoming events, as well
as to link to sites of dialogue and comradely debate. We encourage
activists and candidates to use the website to contribute their thoughts
on these topics. We have started the transformation of the website from
a conference focus to reflect this goal.

We wish to thank everyone who planned, participated, contributed and
attended the conference and hope that you will continue to interact and
plan with the continuations committee. If you or your organization would
like to suggest someone for the planning committee contact us at
leftel...@gmail.org <mailto:leftel...@gmail.org>

For the Future of Left-Independent Political Action,

The Continuations Committee:

Kali Akuno, Robert Caldwell, Todd Chretien, Bruce Dixon, Howie Hawkins,
Bryan Koulouris, Dan La Botz, Gloria Mattera, Gayle McLaughlin, Joanna
Misnik, Debra Reiger, Lance Selfa, Jill Stein, Linda Thompson

Ongoing and suggestions for future activities:

1.)We encourage *local and regional report back meetings* and
evaluations on the conference, and support local and regional events.A
Southern California report back and discussion is scheduled for 7:30 PM
on June 25 at The Peace Center, 2916 Sepulveda Blvd,, Suite 102 Culver
City CA 90230.

2.)We encourage and support LeftElect participants’ *ongoing
discussions* and contributions to ongoing events. At the recent Left
Forum (where there were a number of panels that referenced left/
independent electoral action including one hosted by the Green Party of
New York State https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9lIzCv0cwQand another by
North Star http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=12306).

4).*People can r**ally behind Kshama Sawant*http://kshamasawant.org/for
a successful Aug 4, 2015 Primary. Kshama Sawant’s reelection campaign is
arguably the most important battle for independent left politics in the
U.S. in 2015. Sawant will be challenged in the Aug 4, 2015 primary by
four democrats: Pamela Banks of the Urban League, marriage equality
campaigner Rod Hearne, and Morgan Beach of the Seattle Women’s
Commission, and Lee Carter, an ex-TV newsman andAfrican-American
community activist. Even in the midst of her re-election campaign,
Kshama sent a message and video greetings to us at the Chicago
conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0bvQXDL5i0

5).We’d like to share information so people might attend the *2015 Green
Party Annual Meeting in St. Louis *July 23-26. Green Party members
indicate that this year’s meeting will feature much more than just a
annual convention. The Green Party is working with local activists to
provide workshops and possibly events on racial justice in the wake of
Ferguson. There will be several days of issue and skill-building
workshops, electoral strategy sessions, and panel discussions. The
Annual Meeting is a place where all those interested in independent
political action can continue to work on a strategic plan, begin new
projects, and build alliances with local activists.

6).There were many other suggestions for network ideas including a
larger national gathering before the 2016 elections that could involve
new forces. We are open to feedback and suggestions on all these ideas
or new ones.

*Ways in which to follow and interact with the LeftElect network: *

LeftElect Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/leftelect

Facebook discussion group (New!)

Website: http://leftelect.org/

Announcement listserv

Email: leftel...@gmail.org <mailto:leftel...@gmail.org>

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