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Since writing this article, I came across another particularly egregious and morally corrupt lie in Silverstein's piece that I missed, it was highlighted to me by Stephen Shalom. Silverstein writes:

"When al-Nusra *and FSA* forces attacked Druze villages in northern Syria, killing 20 residents
workers-out-fear-jihadists-being-treated/> , those living on the Israeli-occupied side of the Golan became restive and angry."

So here he says the FSA was part of Nusra's slaughter of the Druze villagers!

He is so utterly dishonest that he even uses a "source," a Foxnews report, which in fact makes no mention at all of the FSA. Even Fox couldn't come up with anything as blatant as this it seems.

Of course, as I have detailed, all major anti-Assad rebel organisations in north and south, including Islamists, vigorously denounced Nusra's crime (https://mkaradjis.wordpress.com/2015/06/15/revolutionary-forces-throughout-syria-condemn-nusras-massacre-of-druze-villagers/) and it is appalling for him to slip this in.

I hadn't noticed this disgusting lie because that was in his second version of his story (http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2015/06/26/syrian-killed-in-attack-by-golani-druze-was-islamist-fighter-not-civilian-as-idf-claimed/) which I only skimmed. In the first version, which I critiqued (http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2015/06/25/israels-dangerous-game-with-syrian-islamists/), he doesn't say that, instead he says something less morally corrupt, but so equally factually wrong that it beggars belief that he even writes: he says Nusra massacred the Druze in the Golan!

Meanwhile, someone else pointed me to the article where Silverstein makes his claim about Israel setting up a camp for Syrian fighters in Israeli territory, which I said in my article was completely absent in the UN reports. He pointed me to this article by Silverstein: http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2014/12/07/israels-offers-aid-to-radical-islamists-in-syria/.

In fact when someone in the comments challenges him, informing readers that what Silverstein claims is there is not there, he is forced to put his foot in his mouth by actually quoting the part of UN Observer Force report that he is referring to. Actually, I did see this section in the report, but because it is so completely different to Silverstein’s lies, I didn’t even recognise it as the part he was referring to! Let’s see – in his article he wrote that *Israel* has built a camp *to house fighters* and their families *on Israeli-held territory*. The UN report says:

“During the reporting period, UNDOF observed two tented camps housing internally displaced persons in the vicinity of United Nations position 80. The number of tents has varied over the period. At the time of reporting, approximately 40 large and medium-sized tents were seen in the vicinity of Al Aishah village, north of position 80, and two tents placed approximately 300 m south of position 80. UNDOF estimates that from 60 to 70 families live in the camps. On 23 September, position 80 observed armed individuals gathered in Al Aishah village unloading weapons from a truck. Some individuals were in civilian attire and others in camouflage uniforms. A vehicle with a mounted anti-aircraft gun was observed in proximity to the place of unloading. Late in September, the Senior Syrian Arab Delegate sent a letter to the UNDOF Force Commander stating that the camps for internally displaced persons were not used for humanitarian reasons but as a base for “armed terrorist” groups who also crossed to the Alpha side.”

So (1) there is nothing here about Israel having built the camps, he simply made that up completely, (2) it is very clearly on Syrian free territory, it even reports which Syrian villages the camps are near, once again he simply made up the bit about them being on Israeli-held territory, (3) the UN report clearly refers to them as camps for internally-displaced people for 60-70 families. These camps are also referred to in other reports, having no military connection. Only in this report is there an apparent incident where some armed individuals were loading weapons. The UN reports this as an irregularity (but which in any case has no connection to Israel). True, the Syrian regime said it was an “armed terrorist” base, but it usually thinks, and acts, as if refugee camps, schools, hospitals, markets, apartment blocks etc are “armed terrorist” bases, just as Israel does in Gaza. Only someone as wilfully naive as he is blatantly dishonest would take a regime statement as evidence.

-----Original Message----- From: Michael Karadjis
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 1:41 AM
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: The “Israel backs Jabhat al-Nusra” fairy-tale and its deadly consequences

The “Israel backs Jabhat al-Nusra” fairy-tale and its deadly

(it is a long article, but anyone just interested in looking in detail
at what is in the UN Observer Force reports on the Golan, that various
writers allege show "Israeli support for Nusra", can go to that
sub-heading for a reality check)

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