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On the Eve of the Greek Referendum—
For a Massive NO Vote, and Mass Mobilization in the Streets

by George Shriver, co-managing editor, Labor Standard

July 3, 2015—The crucial struggle right now is for a massive NO vote
on July 5, and mass mobilization in the streets to encourage the
working class and its allies to intervene directly in this crisis,
asserting their own demands and directly acting in their own class

Many reports indicate that the healthy, vital, combative elements of
the Left are engaging in a united-front effort precisely for a massive
NO vote and a mass mobilization of the workers and their allies, such
as the many active movements for social change. Only sectarian
elements such as the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) are standing
. . .

Transitional Measures Moving Toward Social Ownership Are Also Needed

On July 3, in his speech to a huge crowd in Syntagma Square in front
of the Greek government building in Athens, Alexis Tsipras emphasized
the fight for democracy and the dignity of the Greek people against
the blackmail and ultimatums of the international creditor

And certainly it is right to emphasize the fight for democracy against
unelected capitalist power. After all, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
in the Communist Manifesto of 1848 talked about the need for the
working class to “win the battle of democracy”—that is, to form a
workers’ government that would begin to make inroads against the rule
of capital based on private ownership of the means of production and
exploitation of the wage workers who produce surplus value, which is
then appropriated by the capitalist owners.

However, the fight must go beyond capitalism. Transitional measures
can be taken immediately by the Syriza government. For example, the
government can continue the capital controls it imposed on the Greek
banks on Monday, June 29. Let the government run the banks in the
public interest and under workers control...
 . . .

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