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Greferendum: The second earthquake
by Nicos Sarantakos
AnalyzeGreece!, July 7

 . . .
* The yesterday vote had strong class overtones. It was not the Syriza
voters who voted for No, rather the poor and the unemployed. The
results of two Athens suburbs are eloquent: in the posh Northern
suburb of Ekali, the Yes vote won with a resounding 85%; on the other
hand, in working-class neighbourhood of Perama, a suburb of Piraeus,
it was the No that gathered 76%, with similar results (between 72% και
75%) in Nikaia, Aghia Varvara, Drapetsona and other working-class
suburbs. In upper-middle-class Chalandri, where Syriza had come first
back in January elections (and also won the local elections with a
far-left ticket) Yes came first by a short margin.

* Voters’ age played a role in the yesterday vote. According to a
poll, three quarters of students voted for No. Interestingly, a lot of
young people opted for No, despite the fact that in January they had
voted for parties that supported the Yes option.

* A beneficial side-effect of the big margin was that it made
irrelevant the Golden Dawn vote. The Nazist party had appealed for
No...  Moreover, the Golden Dawn voters did not follow the party line:
according to polls, more than half of them voted for Yes. Not by a
coincidence, the Yes vote registered its highest result in Lakonia,
the constituency where Golden Dawn made the best national showing in

* Communist voters, including very many party members, ignored the
official party line in favour of an invalid vote, and they voted
massively for No. It should be noted that in [its] almost centennial
existence the Communist Party had always taken a clear-cut side in
past referendums, so the yesterday call for an invalid vote was a
novelty –which failed to convince the communist voters though.
 . . .

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