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On Jul 9, 2015, at 6:14 PM, A.R. G <amithrgu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wait, so what was the point of the No vote and all of that? 
> - Amith

As was suggested, the Tsipras leadership very likely anticipated a Yes vote 
which would justify acceptance of the package and an expansion of the governing 
coalition to the right as an expression of the popular will. At the same time, 
campaigning for a No vote would keep its base intact regardless of the outcome. 
The resounding No vote exploded that cover. The leadership is not able to 
justify acceptance of the package as an expression of the popular will and 
signalled a de facto expansion of the governing coalition to the right by 
inviting the leaders of New Democracy and To Potami to sign onto a government 
statement affirming the goal of an agreement with the troika. That this joint 
statement was issued in haste a day after the referendum leads to no other 
conclusion, IMO, than that the government, in concert with the opposition, 
wanted to quickly stem the mass momentum resulting from the No vote. 

> On Jul 9, 2015, at 5:28 PM, james pitman via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> > http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jul/09/greece-debt-crisis-athens-accepts-harsh-austerity-as-bailout-deal-nears
> As a Guardian correspondent tweeted earlier:
> “The irony has not been lost on anyone - even though governing MPs are making 
> light of it - that after the Greeks’ resounding rejection of further biting 
> austerity at the weekend, prime minister Alexis Tsipras has with lightning 
> speed now agreed to put his name to the most punitive austerity package any 
> government has been asked to implement during the five years of economic 
> crisis in Greece.”
> http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2015/jul/09/greek-crisis-reform-plan-grexit-tsipras-draghi-live#block-559ee760e4b07fc6a121f5af
> This latest development is a betrayal of the popular will, no matter how much 
> it will be sugar-coated with promises of (very modest) debt relief. It would 
> have been more principled, though equally out of touch with mass sentiment, 
> to have campaigned openly for a Yes vote if the Tsipras wing believed there 
> was no possibility of resisting the troika, a belief which, judging by its 
> erratic behaviour, seems to have taken root soon after it formed the 
> government. The message this capitulation communicates, and the eurozone 
> powers will spin it this way, is that resistance is futile. Let’s hope this 
> becomes one of those rare historical instances where this proves not to be 
> the case.
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