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On 10/07/2015 05:57 πμ, Sheldon Ranz via Marxism wrote:

Excuse me, but NO ONE at the Troika forced Syriza to organize a
referendum.  Tsipras and Co. chose that, and now have chosen to ignore the
results of the referendum in favor of the Troika's demands.

How is that not treachery?

Allende's policy wasn't a treachery? Yet he saved the honor of the left by his resistance till the end. Isn't it strange that the political forces in Chile of 1973 who had foreseen the disaster and were advocating for the masses to be mobilized and the "Cordones Industriales" to take action etc are now widely forgotten, and often ruthlessly criticized inside the revolutionary left, while the "traitor" is a symbol of resistance internationally?

The word treachery and the likes are good for agitation but not so good for propaganda and even less for politics. Politics is not a question of moral nor of ethics; it's about class struggle and correlation of forces.

On the other hand Tsipras was clear from the beginning: His government was declared to be a national salvation government. The promises to the proletariat were supposed to be the outcome of a fair class collaboration and were conditioned by that collaboration as long as the bourgeoisie had to be also satisfied. You like it or not, that was Tsipras' game. Of course the greek working class and its other political forces were and are playing a variety of different games, but that does not regard Tsipras' intentions. Conclusion: speaking of treachery is not even technically correct.

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