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Proyect wrote:

You mean like the Spartacist League and the International Bolshevik
Tendency that you belonged to for 30 years? Or the CPGB with its
hammer-and-sickle festooned website whose newspaper you write for on

We are dealing with two types of politics basically. There are those who
believe in the power of deeds. That is why I spent a half-decade recruiting
technical aid volunteers for Nicaragua and the ANC and the frontline states
in the 1980s when you were writing articles calling for proletarian
dictatorship in a newspaper that probably had a circulation of about 2 or 3
hundred. You must have believed that your words had some kind of magical
power to transform reality. I think that a mojo and a monkey's paw would
have had more impact.

I created this mailing list as an alternative to the kind of sterile,
self-regarding, vaporous formulas that come so easy to you. My advice is to
get off the Internet and go work in a soup kitchen or something if you
really want to make a difference.

 Reply to all

I can think of no more apposite reply to Mr. Deeds than to resend my post
from December 1:

Louis can't seem to answer the arguments of anyone who
disagrees with him w/o baiting them for other political
positions or their political past. But apart from that, he
is right that attempts to organize a revolutionary party
in the US and other Western countries have failed in the
post-war period, mainly because they can't recruit
more than a handful of people, and the idea of revolution
is very remote from any segment of the population
right now. Any existing energy for change is in the reformist

But Louis might pause in his rush to join the left-reformists
long enough to  consider this fact: left-reformism,
even (and especially) where it has achieved its electoral
aims, hasn't "worked" either. Left-reformist governments
have come under massive political and economic attacks from the
ruling classes, for which they have no answer. They either retreat,
or go down to defeat (usually both). This occurs because
their politics are explicitly or implicitly based on faith in bourgeois
democracy. They believe in the mobilization of the masses
solely or chiefly for electoral purposes. Further, when the reformists
are defeated, the masses who followed them don't draw the
appropriate conclusions and go on to some higher level of
revolutionary consciousness on their own. They are instead
despairing and demoralized for years and decades after. Nothing
fails like failure. True, a much larger number of people are drawn to
reformist parties and causes, and this is probably why
Louis finds them so much more appealing than the
SWP of his younger days. But this doesn't make them
any more successful in the long run than minuscule
revolutionary sects. .


Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why a sectarian like me has been able
more or less to predict what would happen well in advance of the event,
while a man of deeds such as yourself never seems to have a clue?

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