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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((( T h e B u l l e t ))))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A Socialist Project e-bulletin ... No. 1139 ... July 12, 2015

Requiem at an Empty Grave? Syriza's Momentous Day

Leo Panitch

Did those who are already raising Lenin from his tomb to render quick judgement 
on Syriza's abject "world-historic defeat" (without saying much about what 
victory would look like or require) actually bother to read the rather similar 
plans that Syriza put forward before the referendum and that were consistently 
rejected by the EU and IMF "Institutions"? This rejection is what the 
referendum was about. The resounding OXI was then used by Greek Prime Minister 
Alexis Tsipras to secure the resignation of the leading political 
representative of the domestic ruling class (and former Prime Minister), 
Antonis Samaras, and to get all the party leaders with any such claim or 
ambitions to speak for that class to adopt Syriza's position on the need for 
debt restructuring and investment funds. One might even say that if there was a 
class crossover involved here it was the other way around, one that looks more 
like what Gramsci meant by a hegemonic strategy rather than the way it is 
presented from the perspective of those standing on Lenin's Tomb.

The virtually same formulations in Syriza's plans that were just yesterday 
called intransigence by mainstream media in Greece and aped by the media abroad 
are now presented as capitulation in order to disguise the significance of 
this. This is not surprising but what is surprising is the immediate acceptance 
of this capitulation interpretation by so much of the Western radical left from 
whom one might have expected a rather more sophisticated reading and less quick 
rush to negative judgement. Of course, the latter view is shared by many on the 
radical left here in Greece, including those Syriza MPs who opposed or 
abstained on the vote in the Greek parliament. But in doing this, they only 
raise the question of whether the Antarsya strategy of Grexit (which obtained 
less than 1 per cent of the vote in January) is any more viable today than it 
was then.

Deal or No Deal?

The real situation is this, as we await the outcome of what will in fact be a 
momentous day. If there is in fact some significant debt restructuring and 
investment funds in a deal today and this is not effectively tied to further 
conditionality, this would offset many times over the four year $12-billion 
plan for fiscal surpluses in the plan just passed by the Greek parliament. Of 
course, even if this is the effective outcome of this weekend's final 
maneouvres, this will require some political sophistication to discern, since 
it will be concealed somewhat so that other European leaders can disguise this 
from their electorates, whose attitudes the Northern and Central European 
labour movements have done little or nothing to change. Tsipras would need to 
explain this well to get people to understand the significance of the victory 
he -- and they with their support in the referendum -- would have pulled off.

It will not be a "world historic" victory, for those who like such language, 
since it will still involve tying the revival of the Greek economy to the fate 
of what remains a very much capitalist Europe, but this would not mean that the 
Syriza government would exclude itself from the continuing struggle to 
challenge and change that. On the other hand, if Tsipras walks away today 
accepting the same conditionalities as before to debt restructuring, and 
without any guaranteed investment funds on top of this, then it will indeed be 
interesting to see where Lenin will take us once he is let out of his tomb, and 
sees that he faces yet again the sad fact that a break in the weakest link 
could not break the stronger links of the labour movements in Central and 
Northern Europe to both domestic and global capitalism. •

Leo Panitch is editor of the Socialist Register and distinguished research 
professor at York University, Canada. He is co-author, with Sam Gindin, of The 
Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of American Empire (Verso). 
He is currently in Athens, Greece.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((( T h e B u l l e t))))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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