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This piece by Leo Panitch offers some awfully convoluted reasoning to explain 
why what looks like a capitulation is really brilliant strategy. Perhaps Leo 
has had one too many years in academe, writing long and sometimes long-winded 
articles. No doubt I am biased, but can anything be more boring and 
brain-numbing than the writings of an academic political scientist. Well, maybe 
those of an academic economist. Too clever by half, as they say. Richard 
Seymour's piece on Lenin's Tomb is just a whole lot better, with 
straightforward arguments, clearly written. And let me add that there are 
plenty of Greek commentators, including pretty good economists, who would agree 
with Seymour's arguments. It isn't just the sectarian left saying these things. 
And as Marv Gandall argued, if there is no alternative, why ever do anything at 
all. Why have optimism of the will, why write anything, why care. Just live for 
yourself, today and every day. Yesterday, I read something that really floored 
me. So
 meone said, after wondering what Syriza's critics could have expected it to do 
in the face of such powerful adversaries: "the fucking Germans, man." 
Unbelievable. What is the difference between this and saying, "those fucking 
slaveowners, man." "those fucking Nazis, man." "that fucking Henry Ford, man." 
I don't have many years left, so what follows should be taken with that in 
mind. But if I were a Greek pensioner, trying to live and support others on a 
miserably low (and soon to be lower if Tsipras has his way) retirement income, 
I would be inclined to try to live by the words of Emiliano Zapata, "Better to 
die on your feet than to live on your knees." 
It is remarkable, when one gets invested in something, how easy it is to make 
excuses, to turn shit into honey, to make apologies for anything, to even 
forget what one said just the week before.                                      
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