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"With the left-wing alliance seemingly unable to deliver on its
central promise to roll back austerity, perhaps it should be no
surprise to learn that it is also reneging on its anti-militarist
foreign policy manifesto promises: the foreign minister visited Israel
last week, making warm promises of friendship.

"The party's 2012 '40-point programme' called for the 'abolition of
military cooperation with Israel' as part of a wider anti-militarist
stance. But what a U-turn now.

"In a joint press conference in Jerusalem with the Israeli prime
minister, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias seemed determined to
continue the path of the former conservative government, which from
2010 started the country on a new path towards joint military
cooperation and training exercises with Israel, despite its regular
massacres of the civilian population of Gaza.

"'We have to learn to love Israel,' gushed Kotzias, in a short
statement last week, which seemed deliberately truncated in order to
allow Netanyahu to dominate the press conference with his usual
propaganda themes (mostly agitating against the deal to ease sanctions
against Iran).

"Kotzias made clear (my emphasis): 'In recent years, we have developed
bilateral relations, lately in all sectors: security, energy, tourism,
economy. I was just discussing, yesterday, with your close adviser
about economy. We talked today with your Minister for Energy. And I
think that we have very good projects to do together, not only for our
generation, but for the next generations, too.'

"Disgustingly, Kotzias even claimed that Israel is part of a 'line of
stability in this area. We have a common interest in stability and
security.' Tell that to the people of Gaza, who exactly one year ago
were enduring the latest systematic Israeli flattening of the coastal
strip, which would result in the deaths of more than 2,200
Palestinians, the vast majority civilians, including 551 children.
Some 'stability.'"


"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure
mægen lytlað."

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