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At 19:10 24-07-15 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
> her 
>choice of rightists is questionable. As I pointed out, Paul Larudee and 
>Franklin Lamb are Baathist propagandists, not conservative or 
>libertarian ideologues.

Hmmm, you just made me realize that I have no idea whether those
individuals are right or left. AFAIK they only address middle-east issues
in ways which are common to some leftists (sadly) but also rightists (both
properly defining the Syrian and Iranian regimes as right-wing, and also
noting the prominent transformation of yesteryear's far-right antisemites
into more respectable "anti-zionists" following a literal stroke of
genius). So I'm wondering: have YOU (or anyone else on this list) seen
other writings by either of these two where they deal clearly with class
issues that would place them on the right or left? My general rule, as when
I looked through the website of that eastern-Ukrainian pro-Russian party
that erroneously had "socialist" in its name, is that if you can write
volumes yet never once speak about clearly left-wing concerns (the
interests of the working class and labor issues, fighting sexism and the
patriarchy, opposing nationalism with international solidarity, etc.) then
I have no reason to call you a leftist. But again, I won't rush to
judgement about these two....

> They write the same kind of junk as Tony 

Except Tony Greenstein is a COMMUNIST and could well be a member of this
list! Yes, it's sad that some communists would write about Syria in the
same terms as the rightists -- we've all been struggling with that. But
it's a totally different struggle against the ENEMY which supports Assad
BECAUSE he's a fascist. I don't know whether Franklin Lamb and Paul Larudee
fall in that category, but I'd sure want to find out before I entered into
"comradely" discussion with them. Wouldn't you? 

- Jeff

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