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At 01:17 03-08-15 +0200, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:
>Here are some of the other predictable quarters that are defending Weir:

Oh why bother with the endorsement list. Hell, I might have signed that
stupid letter MYSELF! I mean what if someone I TRUSTED came and said "Hey,
this liberal group of Jewish activists (who don't even call themselves
anti-zionist!) is accusing a leading militant of antisemitism and are
refusing to work with her! Could you sign on to this protest, please?"

If anything, what I find unusual about the endorsers list is the few number
of conspicuous leftists. And the few leftists on this list (or on the full
list I also downloaded), have essentially signed on in error as far as I'm
concerned. I try to think that I've become more careful than to make the
mistake I sketched out above, but we all can jump to conclusions or act on
the basis of prejudice. 

Outside of those few leftists, the endorsers all believe in promoting the
interests of the United States, as is the avowed purpose of the
organization. The movement most leftists are involved in is solidarity with
Palestine. That difference is clear even if you ignore the connections of
their leader to the far right and antisemitism.

- Jeff

>Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton
>University, and former Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestine, UN Human
>Rights Council.
>Samia Khoury, founding member of the board of Trustees of Birzeit
>University and Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre, author,
>"Reflections from Palestine: A Journey of Hope" (descendant of Birzeit
>University founders).
>Ann Wright, retired US Army Colonel and former US diplomat turned peace
>activist; passenger on 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla; co-organizer and
>passenger on Gaza Freedom Flotillas 2011 & 2015; co-organizer of 2009 Gaza
>Freedom March.
>Iyad Burnat, Palestinian grassroots activist, Bil'in Popular Committee
>Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities,
>Co-Founder Al-Awda-Palestine Right to Return Coalition.
>Hedy Epstein, Holocaust survivor; St. Louis Palestine Solidarity
>Committee*; Jewish Voice for Peace - St. Louis**
>James Abourezk, former Senator, South Dakota, founder of American-Arab
>Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
>Arun Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi Worldwide Education
>Pete McCloskey, former Member of Congress (R..Calif. 1967-83) and
>Co-Founder, with Paul Findley, of the Council for the National Interest;
>and Helen McCloskey
>Dr. Khalil Nakhleh, author of "Globalized Palestine: The National Sell-Out
>of a Homeland"
>George N. Rishmawi, Director, The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement
>between People, Beit Sahour, Palestine
>Ray McGovern, Retired CIA officer turned peace activist. Co-founder of
>Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
>Rita Giacaman, Professor, Research & Program Coordinator and founder,
>Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University; active in
>1980s Palestinian social action movement.
>John Whitbeck, Director, Council for the National Interest
>Edward Peck, Americans for Middle East Understanding, Former US Ambassador
>to Iraq & Mauritania, Participant in the 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla
>Abbas Hamideh, National Board Vice Chair, Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return
>Coalition, son of one of the few survivors of the massacre at Deir Yassin
>Palestine on April 9th 1948
>Philip Giraldi, Former CIA Officer turned anti-war activist & journalist;
>Executive Director, Council for the National Interest*, member, Veteran
>Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
>Cindy Sheehan, anti-war activist and former presidential candidate, Cindy
>Sheehan's Soapbox
>Joe Meadors, USS Liberty Survivor, Past President, USS Liberty Veterans
>Association, Participant in three Gaza Freedom Flotillas, Free Palestine
>The Rev. David W. Good, Minister Emeritus for The First Congregational
>Church of Old Lyme, President: Tree of Life Educational Fund
>John Erickson, NorCal Friends of Sabeel* -- Co-Chair
>Sunaina Maira, Professor of Asian American Studies at UC Davis, USACBI
>The Reverend Canon Richard K. Toll, former Director, Friends of Sabeel* ,
>Retired Episcopal Priest
>Dr. Samir Abed-Rabbo, Professor Emeritus of International Law, Director of
>the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies
>Donald A. Kruse, Retired Foreign Services Officer, Consul, Consulate
>General, Jerusalem 1976-1980
>Lawrence Davidson, Professor Emeritus, West Chester University
>Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy Intellignece Officer for the Near East,
>National Intelligence Council
>James Petras, Professor Emeritus, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY
>Joel Kovel, author of "Overcoming Zionism," "White Racism," "Red Hunting
>inn the Promised Land," and other books; editor; former psychiatrist; Bard
>College professor emeritus
>Ernest Gallo, President, USS Liberty Veterans Association
>Ronald Kukal, USS Liberty Survivor: Petty Officer in Charge of the Body
>Recovery and Identification after June 8, 1967 attack
>David Rovics, Folk Musician, American Federation of Musicians Local 1000
>Mary Ratcliff, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper - Editor
>Abdallah Omeish, award-winning documentary filmmaker of "Occupation 101"
>and "The War Around Us"
>Andrew Killgore, former Ambassador, publisher, Washington Report on Middle
>East Affairs, providing facts on Palestine for over 30 years.
>Janet McMahon, Managing Editor, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
>author, "Seeing the Light: Personal Encounters With the Middle East and
>Kathleen Christison Author, "Perceptions of Palestine" and "The Wound of
>Dispossession"; Co-author "Palestine in Pieces"
>Jerry Levin, former CNN network journalist. Christian Peacemaker Teams.
>Writes on nonviolence. Recognized by the Dalai Lama as one of 2009's
>"Unsung Heroes of Compassion".
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