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On 08/09/2015 08:50 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
> I can't seem to remember who said it, Lenin or Trotsky probably, but it
> was a statement about how the tempo of the class struggle can change
> rapidly. Something to the effect that what formerly took place in years
> now takes place in minutes. Any ideas?

Karl Kautsky, 'The Road to Power', 1907:

"But the rate of progress increases with a leap when the revolutionary
spirit is abroad. It is almost inconceivable with what rapidity the mass
of the people reach a clear consciousness of their class interests at
such a time. Not alone their courage and their belligerency but their
political interest as well, is spurred on in the highest degree through
the consciousness that the hour has at last come for them to burst out
of the darkness of night into the glory of the full glare of the sun.
Even the laziest becomes industrious, even the most cowardly becomes
brave, and even the most narrow gains a wider view. In such times a
single year will accomplish an education of the masses that would
otherwise have required a generation."

jjonas @ nic.fi
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