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Argentine Marxist scholar Atilio Boron’s book, “Latin America in the
Geopolitics of Imperialism” — América Latina en la geopolítica del
imperialismo — was awarded Venezuela’s coveted Libertador Prize in Critical
Thinking in 2012. 

Published in several editions throughout Latin America, the book has
attracted much attention, and some debate, for its detailed analysis of
Latin America’s strategic importance to the United States and the challenge
this poses to the continent’s left governments and progressive social

Of particular interest to ecosocialists are two chapters — ch. 6, on “Common
goods in Latin America: The debate between ‘pachamamismo’ and
‘extractivismo’,” and ch. 7, on “Buen vivir (sumak kawsay) and the dilemmas
of the left governments in Latin America.” 

The following is my translation of most of chapter 7. Because of its length,
I have divided it into three separate parts. This is Part I. The others are:

II – Two crucial questions 

III – A new development model? 

They are all available at http://lifeonleft.blogspot.ca/

– Richard Fidler


Part II:

Part III:

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