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On 8/29/15 8:25 AM, Joseph Catron wrote:

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 8:16 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu <mailto:marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>> wrote:

    Max Ajl, a "pro-Palestinian activist" like Patrick Higgins who
    somehow has talked himself into believing that Bashar al-Assad is a
    friend of the Palestinian struggle

When did he say that?

I did not quote Max. I *characterized* him, just as I would characterize you as being prone to the same sort of bad faith apologetics for Assad that you have circulated on and off since 2011. The technique is not to fawn over the Assads, as Yoshie has, but to demonize the FSA as the Cornell SJP did in a statement almost certainly written by Ajl:

Nor do we forget that it was the Free Syrian Army, the brand-name for the “milder” of the Western-armed gangs which have rampaged across Syria, along with Jabhat al-Nusra and other reactionary militias, which went into Yarmouk a year ago. It was their decision to enter the camp in late 2012 which led to the subsequent violence and its emptying out, with its people now in global scatter, some literally drowning in the Mediterranean.

(I can dismantle this filthy piece of Baathist propaganda but my energy will be better spent on replying to the jackass Patrick Higgins.)
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