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Separatism Charges Filed against Municipal Deputy in Karelia
July 31, 2015

Criminal charges have been filed against Vladimir Zavarkin, a municipal
deputy in the Karelian town of Suojärvi, as reported by Guberniya Daily on
Thursday. Under Article 280.1, Part 1 of the Russian Federal Criminal Code,
the deputy faces up to four years in prison.

Guberniya Daily notes that Zavarkin has already given testimony in the case
on four occasions. According to the article, he is being defended by a
court-appointed lawyer.

At the same time, it is reported that the deputy has filed a complaint with
the Russian Investigative Committee in connection with the criminal charges
and is preparing an appeal to the Security Council.

Charges were filed against Zavarkin after his speech at a rally on May 20
in Petrozavodsk calling for the resignation of Alexander Hudilainen, Head
of theRepublic of Karelia. Over two thousand people attended the rally.

Zavarkin described the difficult social and economic situation in Suojärvi
and harshly criticized Hudilainen.

He concluded his short speech with the words, “If the Russian Federation
does not hear us, we will hold a referendum, I think. [If] Russia does not
need Karelia, let’s separate.”

A day earlier, Zavarkin had posted a film about the situation in the
Suojärvi District on the Vkontakte community page ”Hudilainen Resign!” The
annotation to the film quotes Zavarkin’s statement in the film: “I appeal
to the people of Finland and the Baltic countries: help us by sending
humanitarian aid. You also have relatives in Karelia. Otherwise, we will
all die out!”

Zavarkin sits on the Suojärvi Municipal Council’s committee for social
issues, public order, and housing and public utilities.


See the full post, including video of Zavarkin's speech and important links

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