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The above is a link to a cartoon by the incomparable First Dog on the Moon,
who works for the Australian edition of the Guardian Online. It says, or
rather shows, in pictures in a much better way what I have been trying to
tell.  What strikes me about the cartoon is its absolute truth.  How was
the Abbott ministry even possible.  This is a conservative nation but it is
not the Land of the Tea Party.  We do not do relisgious crainess like the
Americans do.  I always pointed out to my students that no Australian
politicians ever said "God Bless Australia", yet American presidents have

Then lo and behold at his farewell speech after being dumped Tony Abbott
finished by saying "God bless the Commonwealth of Australia" - in one
phrase he captured the British link and gave expression to his own
religious fanaticism.

No one commented on this first.

But now we can ask, 'what was the Abbott offensive offensive all about?'
To me it was a remarkable combination of the barking mad religious right
and the neo-liberal radical austerians. In some ways kind of like having
the Tea Party take over Washington and letting their ideological craziness
have full sway.

The Coalition took power at the height of the regained confidence of the
neo-liberals.  The soon to be treasurer Joe Hockey came back for a British
visit channeling the spirits of Friedman and Hayek.  In his first budget he
announced "It is the dawning of the Age of Opportunity" and denounced the
old order of the Age of Entitlement.

The leader of the Opposition right winger Bill Shorten attacked and became
massively popular.  Then Shorten got worried about being so far out on the
Left and made a speech to the press gallery in which he said he was still
"pro-reform".  This was code for saying that the Labor Party was committed
to neoliberalism. From this point Shorten's popularity declined.

Apart from the initial reply to the budget, the Labor Party was poorly
placed to lead the opposition here.  That is because they hug the Tories
close on security. They are also pro-austerity but at a slower pace and
they fear provoking a backlash from the religious right.  Not to mention
that within their own ranks there is a fair sprinkling of Catholic relics
from the Cold War.

So it was left to the Australian people to reject what Abbott stood for and
they did so poll after poll. Only the political cowardice and ineptness of
the Labor opposition kept Abbott afloat for so long.  Now the new
government under multi-millionaire Turnbull is carefully extracting itself
from the close embrace of the religious right and the barking mad zealots.
This has to be done carefully so as not to spook the crazies because they
amount to at least a third of the governing coalition.

This maneuver is being helped though by the cretins in the Labor Party, who
are attacking the government from the right on "border security".  This
helps to make the people believe that the government is now returning to
the centre.  In the mean time the new treasurer has signaled that the cuts
and attacks on the welfare state w2ill continue.  The Labor Party is
trapped within the logic of neoliberalism and cannot amount a coherent
alternative here.

So likely forecast is that if the present settings prevail there will be a
victory for the coalition with an increased majority in next yrear's


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