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(Patrick Cockburn must have sat down and spoken to Cameron.)

David Cameron will remain open to the possibility of Bashar al-Assad remaining President of Syria in the short term when he goes to New York to address the UN on Sunday.

In an extraordinary U-turn since pushing for air strikes against the Assad regime in 2013, the Prime Minister is reportedly willing to side-line the issue of regime change in order to keep alive the prospect of a grand coalition to defeat Isis.

An alliance involving all of the West, Russia and powers in the region could turn the tide in the military campaign against the so-called “Islamic State” militant group – but Vladimir Putin has made it clear he will back Assad against any international intervention.

full: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-crisis-david-cameron-raises-prospect-of-assad-staying-in-power-to-win-russian-support-for-anti-a6668896.html
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