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I have never hidden my inability to understand economics especially in its
mathematical guise. I sucked at maths at school and now have no time or
inclination to fix all that up. But I have a fairly rudimentary
understanding of the vaguest of outlines of the Tendency of the Rate of
Profit to Fall  (TRPF) school of thought that Michael Roberts belongs to.

I read his blogs faithfully and puzzle over the stats and the graphs that
Lou seems to love so much. His latest post on "crawl to crash?" predicts
Armageddon within the next 3 years. For all I know he is probably correct.
But what I sort of do not get is that he dismisses the alternative of a
Keynesian solution out of hand.  Of course Keynesianism is tied to
increasing demand and that I suppose has no impact upon the  TRPF.

It seems to me that Roberts tends to dismiss the political and place  all
his bets on the economic structure. Thus he has talked of the need for
capital to go through a crash to restore profitability.  But that will have
to be set within the political.  There is already a struggle being slowly
mounted against austerity, which is the political prelude to the crash (is
it not?). I recall reading somewhere that Hayek's preferred option during
the Great Depression was to do nothing and let it rip. I cannot see that
option being advanced now without a true fight. Perhaps it is the residue
of Maoist thought in me (and I would always sworn I was immune) but if
politics is not in command, at least it is never absent.

Meanwhile, Corbyn has placed his bets squarely on Keynesianism and is
rolling out Stiglitz and Piketty. Australia's own Bill Mitchell has
criticized Corbyn for talking about the deficit and for committing himself
to "fixing" it.  But, alas, the finer details of Mitchell's New Monetary
Theory remain outside my range of understanding. What I think I understand
though is that Keynesianism will be insufficient and that only a thorough
turn to a planned socialist economy can avert disaster.

My interpretation is that Corbyn seems to be promising a return to the
so-called "mixed economy" of the 40s to early 70s. Good luck on that one.

Back in Oz though, I look at Corbyn's rise with the sharpest of envy.  Even
the slightest talk of Keynes is beyond us, so committed are all the parties
to neoclassical economics and austerity. The truth is that so battered are
we and so stifling is the grip of neoliberal thought that I would welcome a
break to Keynes, or at least a widening of the debate..


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