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CRUSHING DISSENT: The Palestine Exception to Academic Freedom

NYU Law National Lawyers Guild

Co-Sponsors: NYU Law Students for Justice in Palestine, Middle East Crisis

10/21, NYU Law School Vanderbilt Hall - *Greenberg Lounge*, 6PM


In a groundbreaking new report
the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Palestine Legal have
documented the extensive campaign by lobbying organizations and
billionaires to shut down the dynamic, growing movement for Palestinian
rights on US campuses. Fueled by Israel’s periodic massacres in Gaza, the
campaign for Palestinian rights has sought to expose and sanction the
Israeli government’s ongoing violations of international law and the role
of the US government and corporations in facilitating these indignities.

A multi-billion dollar network of public relations firms, lobbying groups,
and Israeli-government affiliated initiatives have pressured universities
and governments to censor pro-Palestinian speech, cancel events, tarnish
student activists as “terrorists,” fire professors, or even criminally
sanction non-violent advocacy. Egregiously, donors and lobbyists managed to
push the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign to fire Indigenous
Studies professor Steven Salaita
after the professor published a series of outraged tweets against the
Israeli invasion of Gaza -- prompting international outcry

Join attorneys from the CCR and Palestine Legal along with activists for
justice in Palestine as we discuss the report and the climate of fear that
seeks to suppress a growing movement for justice in Palestine.

Omar Shakir is a Bertha Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights,
currently representing fired Palestinian professor Steven Salaita. Omar
will speak about the case and what it means for the right to dissent.

Radhika Sainath is a Staff Attorney at Palestine Legal (and Cooperating
Counsel with the Center for Constitutional Rights), where she provides
legal advice and advocacy support to Palestine rights activists, students
and professors on issues ranging from free speech, discrimination, threats,
surveillance and disciplinary charges.
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