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Ken, this arose as I posted the url for a piece about Leila Khaled speaking
at an ILPS event in Manila.

I am not opposed to her taking advantage of any platform she can get.

This has nothing to do with what Sison may or may not have done 30 or 40
years ago.

It's as irrelevant as where people fighting repressive regimes get their
guns from or whose train Lenin rode in in 1917.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 6:46 PM, Ken Hiebert <knhieb...@shaw.ca> wrote:

> Phillip Ferguson said (in part):
> Andy, if it is OK for people fighting for liberation in the Middle East to
> get guns from imperialism (and I think it is), then it is OK for Leila
> Khaled to take advantage of a mass audience offered to her in the
> Philippines.
> The charges about threatening to kill Walden Bello were, afaik, dealt with
> years ago and it turned out they did no such thing, although they certainly
> attacked Bello strongly over some stuff - if I recall rightly it was dodgy
> NGO stuff.
> What does "ultra-Maoist" mean in the context of 2015?
> The NPA has - and celebrates - gay marriage in its ranks and the CPP is
> heavily involved in the gay and trans movement in the Philippines (in fact
> they lead such a movement).  Is that 'ultra-Maoist' too?
> Ken Hiebert replies:
> Andrew Pollack's accusation that Sison was responsible for the death of CPP 
> members did not provoke a denial from Philip, but he did balk at the 
> suggestion that Walden Bello had been targeted.  This seems to be a detail if 
> you are not willing to deny that the CPP killed its own members.
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