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International support

Assad has attracted support from the far-right both before and during the Syrian Civil War. Former leader of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke hosted a televised speech on Syrian national television in 2005.[190] The Ukrainian far right figure Georgy Shchokin was invited to Syria in 2006 by the Syrian foreign minister and awarded a medal by the Ba'ath party, while Shchokin's institution the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management awarded Assad with an honorary doctorate.[191] In 2014, research by the Simon Wiesenthal Center concluded that Bashar al-Assad had, like his father Hafez al-Assad, sheltered Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner in Syria. Brunner was Adolf Eichmann’s top lieutenant and was believed to have advised the Assad regime on torture techniques[192] and on purging Syria's Jewish community.[193] Brunner is thought to have died in Syria of natural causes in 2010.

The National Front in France has been a prominent supporter of Assad since the civil war,[194] as has the former leader of the neo-fascist Third Way (Troisième voie) organization.[190] In Italy, the far right parties Forza Nuova and CasaPound have both been supportive of Assad, with Forza Nuova putting up pro-Assad posters and the party's leader praising Assad's commitment to the ideology of Arab nationalism in 2013,[195] while CasaPound has issued statements of support for Assad.[196] Syrian Social Nationalist Party representative Ouday Ramadan has worked in Italy to organize support movements for Assad.[197] Other far-right political parties expressing support for Assad include the National Democratic Party of Germany,[198] the National Revival of Poland,[190] the Freedom Party of Austria,[199] the Bulgarian Ataka party,[200] the Hungarian Jobbik party,[201] the Serbian Radical Party,[202] the Portuguese National Renovator Party,[203] as well as the Spanish Falange Española de las JONS[204] and Authentic Falange parties.[205] The Greek Neo-Nazi political party Golden Dawn has spoken out in favor of the Assad regime,[206] and the more radical Strasserist group Black Lily has claimed to have sent mercenaries to Syria to fight alongside the Syrian regime, specifically mentioning their participation in the Battle of al-Qusayr.[207]

Far-right politician Nick Griffin, the former leader of the British National Party, has been chosen by the Assad regime to represent the United Kingdom as an ambassador and at regime-held conferences; Griffin had been an official guest of the Assad regime three times since the outbreak of the civil war.[208] The European Solidarity Front for Syria, representing several extreme right political groups from across Europe, has had their delegations received by the Syrian national parliament, with one particular delegation being met by Syrian head of parliament Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, Prime Minister Wael Nader Al-Halqi and Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad.[197] Most recently, Assad met with Filip Dewinter of the Belgian far-right party Vlaams Belang.[209]

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