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----- Original Message -----

If you read the "anti-imperialist" bilge about the rise of ISIS, you'd think 
that it was a conspiracy planned out in advance by American, British and 
Israeli spooks-

By the standards of the genre, it is a very thin conspiracy theory in that it 
does not even attempt to explain the motivation of the leadership and foot 
soldiers of ISIS.  Are they all automatons, idiots or in on the conspiracy 
themselves?  With the military record of ISIS it is hard to believe they are 
idiots.  It is even harder to believe that the ISIS leaders and their followers 
are in the pay or at the command of the US or Brits - given the certainty of 
death in the event of defeat and the high likelihood of it even in victory.  
Perhaps the best explanation is that ISIS consists of brain washed automatons 
in the control of the CIA or the Mossad or, for that matter, the illuminati.SR
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