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Farewell Jill Brasell:
Jill was an early member of the Wellington Women's Liberation Front and
active in the new revolutionary left circles that began emerging in NZ in
the late 1960s and early 1970s, as well as being a talented musician.  She
died of cancer at the start of this week.  Her funeral in Wellington was
attended by about 300 people, a mark of the respect for her.  Jill was also
involved in the founding of Redline blog.

Imprisoned PFLP leader Ahmad Saadat calls for sustaining and strengthenng
the new intifada:

The NZ Labour Party has been in the poll doldrums since its defeat in 2008.
 it has now lost three elections in a row and still can't get above 30% in
the polls.  In the past 6 years it has also had five leaders.  Current
leader Andrew Little's recent reshuffle of the shadow cabinet is unlikely
to change anything in the fortunes of this wretched party.  However,
unfortunately, it is not going away soon:

Lutte Ouvriere on the Paris attacks:

NZ police censorship:
The cops are the most politically-correct of the NZ government depts, but
every now and then we get a glimpse beneath the pro-diversity ideological

'Respect for diversity': NZ capital's new necessary ideology:
The NZ ruling class has long since embraced 'respect for diversity' as a
key ideological and organising principle.  We explain why and reassert the
necessity for class-based politics

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