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NY Times Op-Ed, Dec. 4 2015
Hungry, Homeless and in College

THREE months after starting college, Brooke Evans found herself without a place to live. She was 19.

She slept in libraries, bathrooms and her car. She sold plasma and skipped meals. It was hard to focus or participate in class, and when her grades fell, her financial aid did, too. Eventually, she left college and began sleeping on the street, in debt, without a degree.

As researchers who study why students don’t finish college, we happen to have first met people like Ms. Evans in universities and community colleges in Wisconsin. But just how common was it across the country for college students to struggle to come up with enough money for food or shelter?

We asked the Association of Community College Trustees and the national nonprofit Single Stop to help us find out. Our organization, the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, along with the Healthy Minds Study, fielded a survey at 10 community colleges in New York, New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Participants included more than 4,300 students who look broadly similar to the national community college population.

One in five of those students said that, in the last 30 days, she had gone hungry because of a lack of money. Thirteen percent had experienced a form of homelessness in the last year, having been thrown out or evicted, lived in shelters or abandoned buildings, or gone without a place to sleep at all. Far more — just over half — were at risk of each of those conditions. A majority had financial aid and jobs, but it wasn’t enough.

Such high rates of food and housing insecurity among hard-working college students indicate that the nation faces a serious crisis. Much of the conversation in Washington concerning college costs — whether it’s about simplifying the financial aid application or refinancing student loans — seems almost trivial in comparison with the problems these students face.

“Without a home and without meals, I felt like an impostor,” Ms. Evans told us. “I was shamefully worrying about food, and shamefully staring at the clock to make it out of class in time to get in line for the local shelter when I should have been giving my undivided attention to the lecturer.” When this is what college is like, is it any wonder that students drop out?

More than 10.5 million students attend community colleges. Nearly all of these institutions welcome anyone who seeks to take their courses, fulfilling their mission of providing opportunities regardless of family background. But community college is not free. In order to enroll and focus on learning, students have to pay for books and supplies, transportation, health care and clothes, lodging and food, in addition to tuition and fees. After grants and scholarships are applied to reduce those costs, students like Ms. Evans, who are more likely to qualify for maximum support because their parents earn less than $30,000 a year, still face an average out-of-pocket price of more than $8,000. Even with student loans, they fall short.

By 2020, about two-thirds of all jobs will require education and training beyond high school. If current trends hold, the United States will face a shortfall of five million college-educated workers that year. This problem won’t be solved if we don’t ensure that students have their basic needs met so that they can manage their schoolwork and finish their degrees.

The College and University Food Bank Alliance helps institutions set up and maintain food pantries, and Scholarship America’s Dreamkeepers program, along with some college foundations, supports efforts to provide emergency financial aid and counseling. Ms. Evans is back in college now, benefiting from these types of assistance. Single Stop helps community college students use all of the possible social benefits programs to which they are entitled. It also counsels them on how to manage their finances. Programs like these need to be quickly scaled up to alleviate the crisis.

But we will have to do much more to ensure that this problem doesn’t get worse. This will require changing both our social and educational policies, while also reducing college costs. To give one example, the National School Lunch Program supports schoolchildren but not college students. Subsidized housing and transportation are often available when a student is in high school but not once he enters college. Even if the students are technically adults, this is shortsighted thinking.

From President Obama on down, our political leaders are urging people to do the right thing and stay in college. Students are trying — so hard that they sometimes go hungry to learn. When will we match their level of determination? A college education is a great tool for overcoming poverty, but students have to be able to escape the conditions of poverty long enough to finish their degrees or we’re wasting their time.

Sara Goldrick-Rab is the founding director of the Wisconsin HOPE Lab. Katharine M. Broton is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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