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Back in February 2002, Labour prime minister Helen Clark apologised to New
Zealanders of Chinese descent for the racism of the poll tax imposed on
Chinese migrating to New Zealand from 1881 until the 1930s – it was finally
abolished in 1944, but hadn’t been collected for some years before that.

At its peak the poll tax was a hundred pounds – the equivalent of at least
several years work (according to the*Herald *report on the apology, this
was the equivalent of ten years work
<http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=939007>, but
this seems an exaggeration as this would mean an income of only
four shillings a week).

Clark was offering the apology, so it seemed, on behalf of the government
and trying to make up for the record of the governments of the poll-tax
era.  What she omitted, however, was that the early Labour Party was
viciously racist against the Chinese.

See: Labour’s racist roots

Moreover, that early racism hardly ended in 1944.  Her own government
rushed through legislation to make it harder for Chinese to gain entry and
earlier this year tried playing the anti-Chinese card to shore up its poor
poll ratings, blaming people with ‘Chinese-sounding surnames’ for the
housing shortage and high home prices in Auckland.

See: A stain that won’t wash off – Labour’s racist campaign against those
with “Chinese surnames”

Happily, that campaign didn’t win much support
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