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It was very clear in the discussions between Putin and Netanyahu during the beginning of Russia's invasion of Syria that issues of the south, and specifically of Hezbollah, were to be left to Israeli discretion, which Putin made clear he "understood." It was part of the agreement whereby Israel would support Russia shoring up the regime, and decimating the rebels, mostly on the central and northern fronts. This has included the use of loads of Iranian and Hezbollah cannon fodder *but now with Russian leadership, the Iranian elements are no longer be in command of the Assadist forces*, as they essentially have been for a year or so; while Israel remains free to take shots at the same cannon fodder in the south. Israel and Russia both know full well that these Israeli propaganda strikes on Hezbollah are irrelevant to the military situation in the south (especially as the US, via Jordan keeps the FSA Southern Front on such a tight leash with a bunch of 'red lines" they must not pass).

Incidentally, in my view Russia just as much as Israel is happy to see these hundreds of Hezbollah and Iranian troops both do their part in fighting the rebels *but also be turned into cannon fodder* in the process; Russia and Iran are allies of convenience in Syria, yet rivals with somewhat different interests at the same time.

Indeed the targeting of someone like Kantar underlines precisely the propagandistic nature of these Israeli strikes - he is not historically a Hezbollah member, he was a Lebanese Druze member of a small Palestinian radical micro-sect who conducted a sea operation from Lebanon, landed in northern occupied Palestine where he allegedly seized a 4-year old girl from a civilian home and killed her, and then spent 29 years in an Israeli prison. Hezbollah got him out of Israel as part of its prisoner swap, and should have stuck him on a farm somewhere to live out his retirement rather than recruiting him; to Israel he is obviously a huge symbolic target, which will probably be very popular at home, yet is obviously irrelevant to the battle Hezbollah wages against the rebels in the south.

This article makes the case that Russia most certainly knew in advance of the Israeli operation, and had no objection:

Russia knew about Kuntar hit says expert

Israel would not have struck Samir Kuntar inside area protected by S-400 without Russia's knowledge, says IMRA.
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 12/20/2015, 9:00 PM
Israel notified Russia that it intends to strike a target inside Damascus before the airstrike that killed Samir Kuntar, estimates Dr. Aaron Lerner, of Independent Media Review Analysis (IMRA).

Lerner bases this conclusion on the fact that the strike took place at a time that the Russian S-400 system is in full operation. "Samir Kuntar is hardly such a critical target for Israel that it would employ techniques for engaging in operations within an active S-400 envelope," he explained. The reason: such a strike would necessarily use techniques for evading the S-400 – assuming these techniques exist – and Russia would then be able to study these, in order to improve the S-400. Therefore, regardless of whether the strike succeeded, a future repeat of the same technique against more important targets would be likely to fail.

"The only conclusion that can be reached, therefore, is that the operation took place with the knowledge of Russia that jets would operate at specific locations within the S-400 envelope – and in this case in a route that passed through the area of Syria's capital," wrote Lerner.

-----Original Message----- From: A.R. G via Marxism
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 6:34 PM
To: Michael Karadjis
Subject: Re: [Marxism] A test of Israel Russia rapprochement

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Why would it argue against it?

Of course Russia has to stand by their allies, including Hezbollah. But
Israel appears to be cashing in on its closer ties with Russia by taking
out a long-time foe. It is not a secret that Israel has struck Syria
multiple times in the last 4 years, including the weapons shipment to Hezb
and a few other targets. They have always hedged attacks against Syria
against other political priorities. Why would their strike on Samir Quntar prove that they are not actually working closer with the Russians? I would
think it does prove that they are working closer, which is why they are
able to get away with more brazen actions like this that might have
normally triggered greater reaction by Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah.

- Amith

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 11:46 PM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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A number of articles have suggested a high level of co-operation between israel and Russia in Syria. A sharp response on the part of Russia to this
killing would argue against this.
                                        ken h

Lebanese militant leader Samir Qantar killed in Damascus attack


Israeli warplanes have struck targets inside Syria several times during the country’s nearly five-year conflict, although it has rarely confirmed
its involvement. Qantar’s killing would mark the first Israeli
assassination of a senior figure inside Syria since Russia launched its
military operations on 30 September in support of Assad.

Israel’s defence minister has said Russia and Israel have worked out an open communication system “to prevent misunderstandings”. That raises the question of whether the Russians would have been informed by Israel about
any operation to kill Qantar. The Russian defence ministry declined to
comment on the airstrike.

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