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On 12/21/15 5:43 AM, David McMullen via Marxism wrote:
I have also recently added a short piece to the website entitled 'Marx
was no Green'. It is a critical look at the ecological Marxism of John
Bellamy Foster


"We need large emergency facilities to deal with super-volcanoes and tsunamis. We will have to prepare for the effects of major climate change such rising sea levels and eventually the next ice age. Major space programs will among other things protect us from meteors and allow us to start moving off the planet in order to explore, settle and exploit extraterrestrial resources. It will be a long time before we run out of things to do with iron, steel, glass etc. This increasing production under communism will proceed with an on-going decoupling from impacts on the environment. We will see food produced with less and less use of land and water, and the industrial waste streams in extraction, production and disposal cleaned up and reduced."

If only Workers Spatula could come up with satire half as good.
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