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ioannis aposperites wrote


    Éric Toussaint : " The conclusion to be drawn is that a movement that wants 
to take on governmental responsibilities must be prepared to live up to the 
support it has from the people. If you propose to the population that they 
reject the conditions dictated by the creditors, if you propose to pursue an 
alternative program, then you have to be prepared to take the measures 
necessary for carrying out that program. We need to have social and political 
forces that are concretely prepared to stand up to the creditors and disobey 
the creditors. That’s the fundamental lesson to be learned." 

    Alleluia! That was exactly the contention of SYRIZA before 2015. But as far 
back as we can see, there have not been a single reformist party to take that 
way. On the opposite they have all put the "people" aside. SYRIZA did have 
"social and political forces that were concretely prepared to stand up to the 
creditors" but it had prepare them, all time long and especially since 2012, to 
do so, only on an electoral base. And this was SYRIZA's way to put them aside. 

    If a party/government is to take the necessary measures to deal with the 
situation, in favour of the oppressed and based on a people's movement, then 
for that purpose an other type of party is required, not a reformist one. But 
if a party of that kind becomes a social/political majority, it will admittedly 
have far more ambitious goals than those of the self-censored Thessaloniki 
program, and all those Toussaint's concerns might be just irrelevant. 

    If you do dispose the "social and political forces" that are concretely 
prepared" **by you** to really "stand up to the creditors" it will not be so 
just to "disobey" them by not paying back the "debt"; it will be to disobey 
them as capitalists and not as "creditors". 



More specific basic question is what is the class base of the actors depended 
upon to back up available choices. Class interest and its limitations are 
central to defining what is feasible.  
http://www.leninology.co.uk/2015/01/notes-on-greece.html is a good start, as 
Seymour said back in January. And the answers he found may be an indication of 
why he has said little more, and why, given the relation of forces, Syriza’s 
negotiating position crumbled by late February.

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