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The Provisionals (IRA/SF) have long since traversed the path from
revolutionary opponents of British imperialism and the neo-colonial state
in the south of Ireland to major props for both.

This degeneration is one of the major subjects on the irish revolution blog.

'The burning of the British embassy - forty years on' is a 2012 piece
examining how the Provos had the initiative in the early 1970s, especially
after the British massacre of civil rights marchers in Derry in January
1972, but lost it fairly quickly.  In 1972 the southern state was powerless
to prevent the burning down of the British embassy in Dublin in the wake of
the Derry massacre; by the time of the hunger strikes of 1981, the southern
state, despite the mass sympathy for the hunger strikers, felt confident
enough to beat mass protests off the street in Dublin.  I examine this
process here:

Former IRSP political education officer Liam O Ruairc traces the political
degeneration of the Provos in a three-part series on the blog.
Pt One:
Pt Two:
Pt Three:

Here is a speech by Liam in Hamburg last year on winners and losers in the
'peace' process:

Here's a piece by me from 2005, which first appeared in the *Weekly Worker*
in Britain, drawing on my own experience as a Sinn Fein activist (1986-94):

Here's an interview I did with Gerry Ruddy.  Gerry was involved in PD, the
pioneering 'new left' group that emerged in the north in 1968; he was later
in the IRSP for many years:

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