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Bookchin's "libertarian municipalism" is offered as an alternative to the Marxist vision of a transformation of society led by the working-class. "Social ecology would embody its ethics in a politics of confederal municipalism, in which municipalities cojointly gain rights to self-governance through networks of confederal councils, to which towns and cities would send their mandated, recallable by delegates to adjust differences."

Okay, let's see if we can get this right. Capitalism will be replaced by a more humane system through the incremental replacement of capitalist chunks of real estate by new egalitarian units. Today we have liberated Putney, Vermont and Madison, Wisconsin. Next week we have a shot at taking over Dallas, Texas. When all the towns and cities have been become liberated zones, we then celebrate our victory by eating dishes of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

full: http://www.columbia.edu/~lnp3/mydocs/economics/neo_utopian.htm
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