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WSJ, Jan. 1 2016
Kiev Struggles to Battle Rampant Corruption
Nearly two years after revolution, Ukrainians say government is falling short of promise to tackle graft

KIEV, Ukraine—At a parliamentary meeting on combating corruption, Ukrainian lawmaker Volodymyr Parasyuk sought to land his own blow against graft—by kicking in the face an official he says owns luxury properties worth much more than a state salary could provide.

Almost two years after a revolution that brought down a president, Mr. Parasyuk’s outrage reflects public frustration that the new government isn’t doing enough to tackle the rampant corruption that fueled the uprising and that keeps Ukraine among the poorest nations in Europe.

“I wanted to remind him that he is made of the same sweat and blood as the rest of us, because that is what these bureaucrats forget," said the 28-year-old, one of the most visible protesters in the demonstrations that helped oust pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. He has since apologized to the nation for the attack in parliament in November, but says he won’t do the same to the official, who denies enriching himself.

In the chaotic and combative politics of Ukraine—where parliament is the site of frequent mass brawls—it is hard to untangle all the overlapping corruption allegations and squabbling over who is to blame. Mr. Parasyuk himself was named this week as receiving money from an organized crime suspect, a claim he denies.

Economic overhauls have helped stabilize the economy and unlocked billions of dollars from the International Monetary Fund, despite a 19-month conflict with Russian-backed separatists. But most Ukrainians say the revolution’s promise to replace rule by thieves with the rule of law has fallen short and the government acknowledges that there is still much to be done.

Only 7% of Ukrainians said they saw an improvement in the fight against corruption since then, according to a September poll by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Only 5% say the new government has addressed the issues, including corruption, that drove the revolution.

The failure is also frustrating Ukraine’s Western backers, who threw their support behind another government after a pledge by leaders of an earlier revolution in 2004 to “send bandits to jail” went largely unfulfilled.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden visited Kiev in December and urged Ukrainian lawmakers to crack down in a stern speech. This is “Ukraine’s moment,” he said. “It may be your last moment. Please for the sake of the rest of us…don’t waste it.”

Ukraine’s leadership has said it is trying to make up for lost time, establishing a new Kiev-based specialized anticorruption prosecutor to tackle a handful of high-profile cases and other offices meant to reduce graft. But it argues its powers are limited.

“We are not in Stalin’s times—we can’t just give the order to arrest people,” said Borys Lozhkin, President Petro Poroshenko’s chief of staff, in response to a question about how many people the government is willing to arrest.

Mr. Lozhkin conceded that the General Prosecutor’s office, which investigates a wide range of crimes and prepares cases for court at federal, regional, and local levels, has traditionally been a place where corruption has flourished.

“It is much easier to find a new building than to rebuild an old one,” Mr. Lozhkin said, referring to the new anticorruption prosecutor.

Critics have accused General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin of slow progress on prosecutions of high-level corruption and say he hasn’t done enough to deal with graft in his office. U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt has repeatedly called the office out as failing to follow through on any anticorruption reforms.

But Mr. Lozhkin said that the presidential administration didn't believe Mr. Shokin specifically was to blame for corruption in the prosecutor’s office.

The General Prosecutor’s office didn't respond to questions from The Wall Street Journal regarding the ambassador’s comments or other allegations of corruption. Mr. Shokin has denied that the prosecutor’s office is involved in wrongdoing or closing cases for any reasons that are illegal.

The office on Tuesday accused Mr. Parasyuk of receiving tens of thousands of dollars from another politician who has been formally charged with involvement in organized crime. Mr. Parasyuk, who hasn’t been charged, accused the general prosecutor’s office of fabricating the case. The office didn’t respond to a request for comment on his claim.

Mr. Yanukovych—whose opulent estate near Kiev has become a symbol of his rule—fled abroad, as did many of his allies. There been little action against those who remained in Ukraine: the European Union banned travel and froze the assets of more than a dozen members of the old regime who stayed, but because Kiev hasn’t brought criminal charges against them, EU officials have said the sanctions could be lifted in the spring.

There is a worry that “within a year all these people will have free access to their assets in the West. After that, nobody would back sanctions again,” one Western official said. “Many EU officials are fed up with Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, accusations of graft by anticorruption activists, journalists and diplomats have followed to the new government.

One key lightning rod has been Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whose ratings have plummeted to single digits amid allegations in the media and among anticorruption activists of his associates’ corrupt dealings. Mr. Yatsenyuk has denied any involvement in corruption and his associates, one of whom resigned from parliament over the controversy this month, deny wrongdoing.

While the country’s leadership promised to keep Mr. Yatsenyuk in his post for now, one lawmaker lobbying for his ouster gave him a bouquet of roses and attempted to carry him away from the podium during a speech to parliament last week.

Blame for the failing reform effort could also threaten Mr. Poroshenko. He has come under particular fire for his appointment of Mr. Shokin.

“The prosecutor general is the last defense point for those with vested interests (in Ukraine),” one Western official told The Wall Street Journal.

Even as Western diplomats have taken tough public stances on corruption, members of the new government have sometimes dug in, according to one official in Ukraine’s presidential administration.

After Mr. Pyatt’s criticism of the prosecutor’s office, members of the administration were offended, the official said.

“They said, ‘How can he say this?,” the official said. “We are not some banana republic where you can say whatever you want.”
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