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Words of encouragement, worth recalling, to a beleaguered left going into 
another fateful year:

Istvan Meszaros, Beyond Capital 1995, p. 614]:

To believe, as we are told, that the contradictions on the side of both capital 
and labor either do not exist, or that they will never be recognized and acted 
upon by those who are suffering their devastating impact, requires also 
believing that people are blind idiots and mesmerized forever by the promise of 
capital’s universally beneficial ‘economic calculation’, despite the system’s 
monstrous failures directly affecting the life chances of thousands of 
millions. Marx’s assessment of the development of social consciousness is much 
more plausible, emphasizing that

      ‘The recognition of the product as his own and its awareness that its 
separation from the conditions of its realization is an injustice – a 
relationship imposed by force – is an enormous advance in consciousness, itself 
the product of the capitalist mode of production and just as much the KNELL OF 
ITS DOOM as the consciousness of the slave that he could not be the property of 
another reduced slavery to an artificial lingering existence, and made it 
impossible for it to continue to provide the basis of production. Marx-Engels 
Collected Works 1861-64, p. 246.

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