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on Montag, 11. Januar 2016 at 21:47, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> That is to ask Lüko and others what they are doing on the ground to
> address this situation.  What are they saying to a broader audience in 
> Germany?

The same as I say here all these days. 

The difference is that people in Germany KNOW the racist campaign, which is not 
new and which started not on the first day of this year, but is going on for 
longer time, with a fascist scum setting fire to peoples houses, murdering 
refugees and immigrants, and a bourgeois class and her parties and politicians 
setting the tone that foreigners and refugees are a PITA, and that refugees 
should be limited and best sent back "home" into the war zones of the 
imperialist "war on terror" and for regime changes. The large coalition is 
voting every three months a new law further restricting democratic rights. More 
than a million refugees came to Germany in the past year 2015. For the right 
wing, this is one million too much. They look for each and every means to kick 
these human beings back to Africa and Asia, best to be drowned in the 
Mediterranean Sea. The racist fake feminist Alice Schwarzer agitates 
continuously against those Arabs  as born rapists. 

The right wing of the governing party CDU/CSU even wants to overthrow their 
prime minister Ms. Angela Merkel for being too lenient towards that huge human 
mass of refugees  coming by the millions over the Meditreanean Sea and 
overcoming every obstacle, or finding a way around it. The don't understand 
that Merkel has experienced herself the mass mobilisation which overthrew the 
GDR government. Merkel does not want to give in to the CSU's demands for a 
fixed upper limit for refugees, which would turn out to be self-defeating for 
the bourgeoisie, since they would have to declare their failure with the first 
refugee finding a way over the border. 

And now they found new fodder for their anti-human campaings, the arson 
attacks, the murders, the humiliations, the prohibition to leave the city the 
refugee is assigend to stay. more repression, more attacks on working people's 
rights, more war against the Third World. 

Ohhh! A woman has been touched on her buttock! We always told you that those 
dirty Arabs are born rapists!  Look more of the racist scorn up in the Ku Kux 
Klan's or Mr. Trump's word books.  Lots of things are being invented. Mr. Amith 
Gupta invents gang rapes. TV5MONDE invents that 100 women had been raped by 
1000 Arabs. 

The helpless indignated mayer of Cologne called on women to stay aloof of men, 
staying at least one armlength away from men (she obviously has never moved in 
public transit during rush hours), i.e.  women should leave it to men to 
determain where a women may stand or sit or move. The Cologne police chief was 
deposed for the lack of racial profiling, for not having emphasized the "North 
African or Arab" origin of the alleged criminals. The gutter press is running 
amok. BILD title page hurls on January 8: "DEPORTATION FRUST! [in 2 inch high 
letters] Why it is so difficult to deport criminals. After the sexual 
trespassing on New Years Eve an increasing number of polititians call for 
faster deportations".

  From the other side of the pond, Donald Trump joined in: "Germany is going 
through massive attacks to its people by the migrants allowed to enter the 
country. New Years Eve was a disaster. THINK!" he twittered on Jan. 6. Is that 
the company you are looking for? "Over the weekend, Mr. Trump added the sexual 
violence by immigrants in Cologne in Germany on the New Year eve to the list of 
reasons why Muslims should be barred. “What is happening in Germany is 
unbelievable….radical Islamic terrorism is a huge problem. And I took a lot of 
heat, all over the world. Now they are saying, what you have said is amazing. 
Now the whole world is talking about this,” Mr. Trump told a rally." reports 
'The Hindu' on January 10, 2016 

 And you want now to tell the Arabs that the Ku Kux Klan, or its German 
counterpart, is there to beat them up in order to "protect women"? 

Have you lost your mind? Sorry Ken, I do not address you personally, but the 
public at large on this list. 

You want to tell us, that we should all join the fascist scum and attack those 
refugees from Arabia, Africa and other Asia, since they "rape our (white) 

It is incredible. Outrageous. 

But maybe understandable considering that "humanitarian wars" by the US Empire 
find lots of support in the USA, even calling for US bombers to obliterate 
Syria for "regime change". 

That is the difference with the people I talk  to here in Germany. The anti-war 
and anti-racist sentiment seems to be much stronger here than in the United 
States of America. And people here seem to understand better that it is not by 
burning refugee's home's and not by curtailing everybody's democratic freedoms 
that one defends women's rights. 

Which side are you on? Are you with the working class, the women, the oppressed 
nations, the Third World suffering from imperialist exploitation, and today 
especially the Arab nation torn up like Germany in the 30 year war 500 years 

Or are you with the imperialist "war on terror" and "war on drugs", the US 
governments official international assasination program? The fascist scum and 
the gutter press including Donald Trump? 

Which side are you on? 
There are no neutrals here. 
You're either with the union
or a thug for J.H. Blair

And remember: the Ku Kux Klan is not a womens liberation movement. Neither is 
Donald Trump. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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