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Louis' comments on this event seem a bit unleavened for a list that holds to a 
principle Marxist coherence. I say "unleavened" rather than "intemperate" 
because genuine ire hardly appals me and is hard to avoid on the left anyway. 
Let me put it in the context of some of Louis' own language, using his own 
phrases -out of context perhaps, but not out of humor with the rest of his note.

It would go something like this:

    Taxpayer ruminates on ranchers with "crappy politics." 

    Declares: "It was about time these fuckheads got straightened out."

    Makes an (un?)intended obeisance to "the men and women we pay our taxes 
for," who have just offed a ... nut.

With all respect, the whole thing has a scent of respect for capitalist police 
that is out of proportion to the event and underscores the tendency that swells 
up now and then on the left of "being attracted too much to the administrative 
side of things." This is a quality as readily found within liberalism as well 
which once again is becoming enamoured of a "strong presidency," use of 
"executive power," and overstress on "leadership" rather than as tools fraught 
with danger instead of ends themselves.

But perhaps I'm reading too much into it. 

    Wayne Collins


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