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I have spent a great deal of time in Utah over the past ten years or so. And in 
may other Western states as well. There is a great deal of federal (public) 
land in the West, especially in Utah. The Bundys and others of their ilk, many 
of them Mormons, have no real concept of land belonging to all of the people. 
And it seems that some here can't conceive of this either. We should all take 
the view that this is, as Woody Guthrie sang, our land. It must be protected by 
all of us, and we must demand that wildlife be protected on such land and that 
it must not be logged, mined, and ranched, creating a situation where those who 
lease such land and who pay very little for this privilege come to believe that 
this land is theirs. The Mormons who run Utah lock, stock, and barrel, lust to 
control federal lands in the state. And I can guarantee you that if they did 
gain control over it, they would soon enough sell or lease it to private 
corporations who would mine, frack, and ranch it to its dea
 th. Already the once clean air in southern Utah, home to five splendid and 
amazing national parks and several national monuments, is almost always hazy 
and polluted. If the state gets the land, the air, water, and soil quality will 
diminish beyond recognition and good luck to the animals, other than cattle. 
Edward Abbey, who has been mocked by certain "left liberals" who neither know 
nor care about these matters but who waste their days bashing Hillary Clinton 
and praising Bernie Sanders (neither of whom give a shit about the environment 
either) was always willing to stand up to the cattle interests and the state 
and federal policies that have subsidized them for so long. We should emulate 
Abbey and stand up to all of the crackpots and capitalists whose very essence 
wreaks havoc on Mother Nature and demand that these lands belong to all of us 
and must be preserved, expanded, and cared for for all time. The Bundys and all 
like them belong in prison. The sooner the better.                              
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