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I agree with you Phil that the Israeli state is brittle.  The problem is
the at the Zionist enterprise "a land without a people for a people without
a land" was always a fiction, as was the central myth that there were
returning to the Mother Country (Israel) from the Diaspora. the existence
of Palestinians in Palestine (!) meant that ethnic cleansing was always, as
in always, a necessary condition for success.

A second round of ethnic cleansing is absolutely necessary for the Zionist
project, but the political conditions for that project are not there.
Netanyahu is on record at regretting the opportunities that have been
missed- the Six Day war was one such opportunity but it was over so quickly
that the Israelis did not have the time to organize the ethnic cleansing.
So like the Protestants of Ulster they have a demographic time bomb ticking
away.  The two state solution was meant to solve that. But the Greater
Israel mob remain in the political ascendancy and the territorial swaps
needed to make both states viable cannot be sold to either side.

So we have a long lasting "peace process" punctured regularly by slaughter
to test the Palestinian will.  But against all the odds it is increasingly
clear that the Palestinians are heroically staying the course. Gradually as
well the reputation of Israel has begun to stink until now it a scandal
unto the nations and without a moral centre it cannot survive.



On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> I used to tend to think of the Israeli government as pretty shrewd
> operators.  However, these days they seem to have maybe screwed up.  Arafat
> effectively surrendered to them and was willing to be their stooge - but
> they destroyed him.  They have done the same thing with the Palestinian
> Authority.
> The Brits always played stooges and handed authority over the oppressed to
> the stooges at some point.  Ireland is a classic example.
> Most recently, the Brits figured out who in the Provos' leadership was up
> for a deal and fastened on Adams (and McGuiness) and did a deal with them.
> But the Zionist leaders just don't seem interested in deals and handing
> over some authority to stooges as the price for maintaining the overall
> set-up - the method of reworking the set-up by a bit of exclusive
> inclusiveness as it were.  They just seem to want to humiliate *all* the
> Palestinians, even the most supine people like the Fatah leaders.  It's all
> stick and no carrot, which doesn't seem a very clever and sophisticated way
> for oppressors to operate.
> On the other hand, folks like Netanyahu received their political education
> in the US, whose rulers are less sophisticated operators than the old
> British and French imperialists were.  Since the stick usually worked well
> for the US imperialists - well, up until Vietnam - perhaps they never
> really learned the importance of the carrots, and so the Zionists they
> trained didn't either.
> I think another element is that the Zionist state is, of necessity, pretty
> brittle.  It's one thing to use carrots when you're British imperialism and
> your colonies are thousands of miles away, or across a stretch of sea in
> the Irish case; it's quite another thing to use the carrot when the people
> you're oppressing are among you and next to you.  It seems that the Zionist
> state, by its very nature, may have little negotiating room, little 'give'
> in it.
> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/is-there-a-two-state-solution-to-israel-palestinian-conflict-2/
> A couple of other pieces on Redline folks might be interested in:
> For a campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle:
> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2011/12/18/for-a-campaign-of-solidarity-with-the-palestinian-struggle/
> NZ interview with Leila Khaled:
> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/nz-solidarity-activist-interviews-leila-khaled-2010/
> Veteran Israeli Marxist Moshe Machover on Does Israel have a future?:
> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/does-israel-have-a-future/
> Veteran British anti-imperialist and working class activist Tony Greenstein
> on Israel: world's most racist state?:
> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2015/08/15/israel-worlds-most-racist-state/
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