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>From the fine artist, Mike Alewitz's Facebook page:
Let me see if I get this correctly:
Bernie Sanders went on demonstrations in the early 1960s, but then took a 
50-year break until 2014.So he skipped the anti-Vietnam War movement, the 
women’s movement and the other critical social movements of his generation.Now 
he supports working people, but thinks its ok to bomb them in other 
countries.And he’s for democracy, but he supports monarchies and Israeli 
apartheid.He’s for government transparency, but wants Snowden to stand 
trial.He’s independent, but has always supported the corporate Democratic Party 
candidates.He’s against police violence, but thinks the police are a socialist 
institution.He voted against the Iraq War, but then voted to fund it.He’s 
battling the Washington establishment, but he’s a lifelong professional 
politician.He’s against Hillary Clinton, but has pledged to support her after 
she wins the primary.He’s a democratic socialist, but assures us he will not 
threaten capitalism.And he has proclaimed that his vote in Iowa was the 
beginning of a Political Revolution...So - he’s getting movement activists off 
the streets and signing them up to strengthen the Democratic Party, a party 
that destroys progressive movements, so he can lead the revolution that will 
end Democratic Party politics, in order to move to a kind of socialism that 
preserves capitalism?
Makes total sense.___________________________
What a complete waste of time by left-liberals devoting their energies to 
tweeting and facebooking every ten seconds during Sanders-Clinton debates, 
going on and on about a Sanders' revolution. Meanwhile, death and destruction 
are rained down upon people all over the world, ignored by both candidates, who 
would do nothing to end it. And the environment gets more unlivable by the 
month, and again neither candidate gives a shit about it and has no plan to 
change things. Just as those who support, directly or indirectly, butchers like 
Assad and Putin should be shunned, so too should those who more or less demand 
that leftists support Sanders be, scorned and shunned. They are enemies of the 
left and make no mistake about it.

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