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Here's a detailed history of that "marxist-leninist" milieu by Ethan
One can't stress enough the Rainbow parallel, both in terms of hopes
falsely raised and in movement-building derailed.
N.B.: I've had numerous encounters with Ethan over the decades and never a
negative one, however much we disagreed.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 8:13 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> (An article by Ethan Young, who was a member of a sect called Line of
> March that saw itself as the authentic continuation of the CPUSA in the
> same manner as the Socialist Action sect saw itself as the authentic
> continuation of the SWP. In 1984, when I was a member of CISPES, I was
> dismayed to see LoM members in CISPES arguing alongside the Maoist CWP that
> we effectively become part of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow campaign. At the risk
> of sounding like a dogmatic purist, I think it is a mistake for protest
> movements to affiliate with DP politicians even when they can talk the talk
> even better than Sanders. Go back and look at Jackson's 1984 speeches and
> you'll see what I mean. After the 1984 convention when Walter Mondale
> became the nominee, the "transformational" Rainbow Coalition folded its
> tents and disappeared. I could be wrong but after Clinton becomes the
> nominee, as she surely will, and Sanders backs her, the "Sanders Democrats"
> will fade into oblivion. Sanders will go back to being an honorable de
> facto Democrat and calling himself a socialist (whatever that means) and
> that will be that for the "inside out" left until the next
> "transformational" bourgeois politician comes along.)
> Part of the emerging, reconstructed Left will likely take the form of an
> anti-neoliberal “Sanders Democrats” wing of the Democratic Party. This
> could directly challenge party centrists in every state, and change the
> direction of policy battles in Congress and in state and city governments.
> It would also further challenge the view on the Left that holds to a purist
> stance of permanently attacking the Democrats as a class enemy. This
> tendency, which sees the formation of a third party as always the immediate
> priority in electoral politics, claims that its opponents are careerists or
> naive liberals. However, the most widely held view among independent
> leftists is an “inside/outside” strategy, favoring independent candidates
> where the power of the party machine excludes progressive reformers. Some
> die-hards of the other camp have been swayed by the upsurge for Sanders.
> Sanders’ campaign promotes policies that run counter to neoliberalism and
> anti-government conservatism, but despite the socialist banner he flies,
> they don’t undermine capitalism per se. Sanders is more feared for his
> emphasis on mass mobilization—strengthening democracy under attack by the
> private sector and quasi-fascist elements. His campaign has made the word
> “socialist” acceptable in ways that it never was heretofore in the U.S. Now
> the tiny socialist movement has a chance to crawl out of the rubble and
> join a new generation, fueled by disgust for the capitalist system and a
> growing determination to replace it with something just, sustainable, and
> beautiful.
> full: https://zcomm.org/znetarticle/a-political-revolution/
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