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NZers have just voted to retain the old NZ imperialist flag - which
consists of the butcher's apron (aka Union Jack) with four stars of the
Southern Cross rather than the new NZ imperialist flag favoured by the
prime minister, John Key.

The flag referendum was a bit of a vanity project by Key but also was a
part of the modernisation of NZ symbols and institutions by the ruling

I didn't vote - I'm not concerned what the specific symbols of (NZ)
imperialism are but I did find it interesting that young people tended to
favour the old flag, with the Union Jack and a lot of the left opposed
changing the flag (often from a rather crude anti-National Party

Here's the take of veteran leftist and longtime shopfloor activist Don
Franks on Redline:

And here's some stuff on the modernisation project of the ruling class:

Modern NZ capitalism's necessary ideology:

Capitalist modernisation and the NZ left:

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