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Louis Proyect says, "I probably should have mentioned that I learned about this 
on John Halle's timeline, who endorsed it. Halle was at one time very strong on 
the "lesser evil" question. I imagine that there is a lot of social pressure to 
adapt to the Democrats this year. If you printed out all the articles 
ventilating about Trump, they'd probably reach the planet Mars."
Halle has turned into one of the biggest jackasses on the internet, accusing 
anyone, in the most slanderous terms, of being ultra leftists and elitists if 
they are not all-in for Bernie Sanders. He so much wants the approval of the 
Brooklyn "intellectuals" close to Jacobin that he seems not to be able to help 
himself. His saving grace is that his prose is dreadful, and no halfway 
intelligent person could bear to read it. 
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