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The play should be seen in the context of  a right-wing effort to
rehabilitate the Father of American Capitalism, For an earlier effort in this
direction, see my "Are Gilder-Lejrman Titling American History to the Right"
http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/8420.  Gilder (founder of the
Manhattan Institute )has more of less taken over the New-York Historical
Society, and the deeply ideological Hamilton exhibit was one fruit of this
take over. (For N-Y Historical Society honoring Kissinger, see my "N-Y Historical Society Sinks to a New Low" http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/142569S. Say what we will aboout this gang, they are succeeding in the cultuural sphere.

Schuessler's Times article barely scratches the surface of the
political menaing of the play

Jesse Lemisch

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The Times finally reports on the doubts about “Hamilton” from professional


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