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Below is an excerpt from the first article collected by editors Jules Alford and Andrew Wilson in the newly published “Khiyana: Daesh, the Left and the Unmaking of the Syrian Revolution”. Titled “Socialism and the Democratic Wager”, this 41 page article by Assad an-Nar deserves to be published separately as a pamphlet since it takes head on (and most eloquently so) the issues that have divided the left for the past five years.

In addition to that article, there are others by people who have been writing in support of the Syrian revolution for the past five years, including me. The table of contents and excerpts from the book can be read here: http://ammarxists.org/khiyana/

I should mention that the word Khiyana is Arabic for treason, a word that resonates with the title of my article “Betrayal of the Intellectuals on Syria” that begins with a reference to Julian Benda’s La Trahison des Clercs, or “Treason of the Intellectuals”.

The book cost $15 and can be ordered from Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/Khiyana-Daesh-Unmaking-Syrian-Revolution/dp/0992650968) but I also invite you to buy a copy from me. Not only won’t I charge sales tax but the proceeds will go to Syrian Solidarity groups rather than a scumbag like Jeff Bezos. Drop me a line with your particulars at l...@panix.com and I will give you the Paypal information.

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