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There's some really good stuff in the Crisis and Critique special issue on Stalin (as well as some awful stuff, especially Roland Boer). This is among the more interesting articles.

When the Soviet state finally won the Civil War against its multiple
external and internal enemies, it found itself in a difficult (almost
impossible) economic and political situation. Theoretically unified around
Plekhanov’s interpretation of Marxism, Soviet leaders struggled to fit
the new existing reality of the success of their revolution and the old
philosophical debates about its ultimate theoretical justification. The
role of Hegel (and his understanding of the philosophy of history and
dialectics) and his connection to Marx and Lenin emerged as one of the
most important theoretical aspects of the emerging Soviet school of
philosophy. Initially engaged as part of the so-called “mechanists versus
dialecticians” debate, Hegel’s dialectical heritage slowly but surely came
to mean the inevitability of history’s movement away from capitalism
toward socialism. By the time Stalin and his supporters succeeded in
their struggle for power, this notion of history and its dialectics became
prevalent and was finally codified in the peculiarly un-dialectical
presentation in the infamous theoretical insertion in the Party’s official
history published in 1938. This section – “On dialectical and historical
materialism” – written by Stalin himself, represented the final word in the
long and still considerably understudied history of Hegel’s adventures in
the early Russian and Soviet Marxist tradition.

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