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TUE, MAY 31 AT 8:30 AM

Ambassadors Against BDS - International Summit at the UN

By Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN
Join us for a first-ever international summit at the UN on ways to confront 
national boycotts and delegitimization

The BDS movement continues to make strides in its campaign to delegitimize the 
State of Israel. The movement is gaining increased support on campuses around 
the world as it promotes initiatives on local and national levels calling to 
divest and boycott the Jewish state. 

Israel’s Mission to the United Nations in partnership with the World Jewish 
Congress, ACLJ, Israel Bonds, Keren Hayesod, StandWithUS and ​B’nai B’rith 
International, will host an international gathering of students, organizations 
and agencies from around the world, to join efforts, form a unified plan of 
action and cultivate ambassadors ready to fight the battle against exclusion 
and delegitimization of nations and peoples, while promoting understanding and 

This conference will take place on May 31, 2016, and 1,500 students and Jewish 
community leaders are invited to attend. It will include an opening plenary 
session in the UN General Assembly Hall and a series of professional panels 
related to the topic of confronting BDS.

Schedule (there may be changes):

8:30 – Registration

10:00 – Main plenary session 

12:30 – Lunch break

13:30 Professional Panels:

Confronting BDS on campus
BDS and the law
Confronting BDS in the public sphere. 
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (EDT)

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