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I just wanted to drop you a line reminding you of what a fuckwit you are on Syria. I can sort of understand why you would be affiliated with John Rees's gang since these people at least have a patina of legitimacy from the demonstrations they organized against Bush's war in Iraq. I hope that they are paying you good money for speaking at the "Crossing Borders" conference since it will cost your tattered reputation dearly.

But Tim Anderson is a rancid specimen who makes no bones about his backing of Bashar al-Assad. Being an invited guest of a conference that gives him a platform is like speaking at rally in 1938 in defense of the Moscow Trials. Anderson is the master of the Big Lie. This is a guy who writes articles for batshit Michel Chossudovsky's website claiming that al-Assad's popularity was confirmed by his big victory in the 2014 "multi-party" elections in Syria. Surely someone as trained in Chomskyism as you would understand the difference between real elections and demonstration elections, right?

This absurd conference is co-sponsored by "Stopimperialism.org", the website of a deranged propagandist named Eric Draitser who is ubiquitous to CounterPunch. Draitser is indistinguishable from Pepe Escobar, Mike Whitney and Andre Vltchek when it comes to these questions. In fact all these people might be the sock puppets of somebody in a Moscow basement on Putin's payroll for all I know.

Btw, no point in tattling on me to Jeff St. Clair again. For obvious reasons, I stopped writing for CounterPunch long ago.

Regretfully yours,

Louis Proyect
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