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Counterpunch, May 27, 2016

Silencing America as it Prepares for Another War

John Pilger

Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the
silence. I have covered four presidential campaigns, starting with 1968; I
was with Robert Kennedy when he was shot and I saw his assassin, preparing
to kill him. It was a baptism in the American way, along with the
salivating violence of the Chicago police at the Democratic Party’s rigged
convention.  The great counter revolution had begun. . . . .

Clinton, the “women’s candidate”, leaves a trail of bloody coups: in
Honduras, in Libya (plus the murder of the Libyan president) and Ukraine.
The latter is now a CIA theme park swarming with Nazis and the frontline of
a beckoning war with Russia. It was through Ukraine – literally, borderland
— that Hitler’s Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, which lost 27 million
people. This epic catastrophe remains a presence in Russia. Clinton’s
presidential campaign has received money from all but one of the world’s
ten biggest arms companies. No other candidate comes close.

Sanders, the hope of many young Americans, is not very different from
Clinton in his proprietorial view of the world beyond the United States. He
backed Bill Clinton’s illegal bombing of Serbia. He supports Obama’s
terrorism by drone, the provocation of Russia and the return of special
forces (death squads) to Iraq. He has nothing to say on the drumbeat of
threats to China and the accelerating risk of nuclear war. He agrees that
Edward Snowden should stand trial and he calls Hugo Chavez – like him, a
social democrat – “a dead communist dictator”. He promises to support
Clinton if she is nominated.

Brian McKenna, Ph.D.
Department of Behavioral Sciences
CASL 4025
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Dearborn, Michigan
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