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We appear to be heading for a hung parliament here in Oz. The conservative
coalition government went to the polls with the economic "plan" of tax cuts
for the wealthy as tactic to boost the flagging economy.  This "plan"
ignores the volumes of evidence that tax cuts are not being invested in
production. Not surprisingly the "plan" did not inspire the multitude, and
the multi-millionaire Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull is now fighting for
his political life. His far-right opponents within his own party are
circling around him.

So, political instability appears to have come to this the most
conservative and stable of nations. At the heart of it all, is the collapse
of Australian manufacturing.  The car industry, for example, will close
next year with the loss of thousands of jobs. The Prime Minister can only
bleat about the need to "innovate" and be "flexible".  In the mean time the
politics of neo-liberalism holds sway in all the political parties.

Whatever the outcome of yesterday's vote, Australia is unlikely to break
free from the grip of neo-liberal austerity under the current political
balance.  Yet discontent grows on the right as the re-emergence of the
racist and chauvinist Pauline Hanson shows.  There is also discontent on
the Left, but as yet it has not evolved into a coherent political
alternative.  There is no Corbyn here, nor even a Sanders. But there are
signs of a crisis of authority on the right.  The term "neo-liberalism" is
now common currency and that is a sure sign of a lessening of hegemony.
Austerity remains deeply unpopular. Yet the economic storms gather and we
drift towards a deeper crisis.

The political stalemate we now face is emblematic of the wider and deeper
impasse that accompanies these the end days of neo-liberalism.


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