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This paragraph in the Guardian's Politics Live blog just now gave me a
great deal of pleasure

"Corbyn’s net approval rating with Labour members has gone up over the last
three weeks, from +3 to +14, despite Labour MPs passing a motion of no
confidence in him. This may be the most remarkable finding in the survey,
and* perhaps the “despite” in my previous sentence was inappropriate. It
may well be the case that Corbyn’s approval ratings have gone up precisely
because he is perceived at war with his MPs*. If so, this suggests that
Labour’s attempt to find a leader acceptable to both members and its MPs
could be doomed to failure." (my emphasis)

So the penny has almost dropped.  Decades of the members being ignored by
the parliamentary party have borne strange fruit.  The Politicians wanted
to be "responsible".  The members wanted them to be "responsive". That of
course is Mair's dialectic at work.

The truth is almost too terrible for the political caste to contemplate.
They now face a membership which is enraged, I suspect, especially by
Watson's dirty tricks that were played to deny new members a vote.  This
instant righting of Karma is a beautiful thing to contemplate from down
here in Oz.  Those MPs who have gone too far in the abuse of Corbyn and in
their deliberate ignoring of their constituent parties now face revenge at
the party conference in September. Only Corbyn's tendency to softness can
save them. What an irony!


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